If the Work of Cleaning Service Is not Maximum, Stop Employment Contract

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Margono Setiawan, S.S.
  • Berita

UIN Online - Related the issue of the cleaning service maximal performance, Vice Rector of General Administration and Financial Planning, Prof. Dr. M. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si., held a meeting among the faculties, employers and cleaning service supervisors. No half - hearted, Musafir asserted that the employment contract will be stopped if the work evaluation does not run optimally.

"If the result is still the same as before, then It will be potentially to stop the employment contract," he said. Samata, Thursday (03/06).

The meeting presenting two vice deans of UIN Alauddin took place on the first floor in Rektorat building. This meeting aimed to confirm the validity of various rumors about the cleaning service performance and salary.

"Actually, there are three issues that I want to confirm here. Firstly, about the cleaning service supervisor who rarely comes, next, about the late accepted salary, and the last about the cleaning agents that are not enough," said Musafir.

Poni, the cleaning service caretaker, admitted that he felt guilty and apologized for the university community assessment. He promised to maximize his future performance. Regarding the salary, he always pays it on time.

"Thanks for the attention. We will maximize this three-month contract," he added.