2770 Students of UIN Alauddin Received SPP Government Scholarship

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Margono Setiawan, S.S.
  • Berita

UIN Online – Tuition Fee (SPP) free program (Education Implementation Contribution) is intended to realize a strong social institution and authority to empower the citizens of South Sulawesi (Sul-Sel) in order to develop into a qualified human being that supports the accelerated development for the society prosperity, it is stated in the purpose of the program.

Associated with it, as many as 2770 students of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN Alauddin) got tuition assistance program from the Provincial Government (Pemprov).

The beneficiaries based on the preliminary calculation results for the number of students from each faculty are: 380 students Shariah and Law Faculty, 585 students of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty, 219 students of Ushuluddin and Philosophy Faculty, 227 student of Adab and Humanities Faculty, 283 students of Dakwah and Communication Faculty, 535 students of Science and Technology Faculty, 326 students of Economics and Islamic Business Faculty, and 215 students of Health Sciences Faculty.

The head of Student Affairs Department, Drs. Alwan Suban, M.Ag., stated that the free SPP program from the provincial government, one of its aims was to improve the distribution of learning opportunities at university given to undergraduate (S-1) freshmen.

"This program is very helpful and gives a great contribution to the university, especially for the students who are lack of study fund," that what he said when met him in the student affair department room.

Alwan Suban further added that the students who applied and met the administration requirements have to be patient waiting for the provincial government tuition assistance program cash down.